July 17, 2024

Pornstache Carpetbanker, er, I mean Californian banker Eric Hovde, made the trip from Laguna Beach, California, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, just to give a speech that lasted a whole three and a half minutes. After complaining about the country is "too divided" he immediately launched into a tirade against President Joe Biden, Senator Tammy Baldwin and the media, blaming them for brown and black-skinned people in our country, Americans' drug addictions and Americans financial woes because we're paying for the tax breaks that people like him got:

“Biden and Baldwin have failed,” Hovde told the crowd during his approximately 3 1/2-minute speech. “President Trump and I will get the job done.”

Hovde lamented that the country has become “too divided” as he took aim at Democrats — “We need to heal this division that the left has brought,” he said — before going after the press.

“And the media: You have to stop dividing us,” he said, before using his “restore the American Dream” campaign slogan.

Hovde's speech was so lackluster that he had to gesture when it was time for them to cheer. And even then, he still got upstaged by a man wearing an ear tampon, a la Felon Trump did on Monday night.

Man, I tell you, it's not a good sign for your campaign when you can't even get your team to cheer for you.

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