July 18, 2024

“Yesterday when he came in, and there was that eruption of love in the room, I thought, ‘what can I do to honor the truth? What can I possibly do?'" said Arizona delegate Joe Neglia to Fox News. I thought Neglia looked familiar and might have been a fake elector. Instead, he and several others plotted to take over the Arizona Republican convention, with a group closely aligned with Kari Lake. Nuttier than a fruitcake.

Neglia wasn't the only one of these wackadoodles walking around either, as the tweets below show.

Source: The Independent

Republican National Convention attendees have found a somewhat creative way to show their support for Donald Trump following the assassination attempt over the weekend.

On Tuesday, several convention delegates were seen sporting ear bandages in a nod to the former president’s current look after he was struck in the right ear by a bullet in the attack.

One Republican delegate even went as far as to describe the ear bandage as “the newest fashion trend.”

“Everybody in the world is going to be wearing these pretty soon,” Joe Neglia, a delegate from Arizona, told CBS News while donning a white piece of paper over his right ear.

Neglia told Fox News he was inspired when Trump entered the auditorium on Monday night to rapturous applause, the white bandage visible over his injury.

“Yesterday when he came in, and there was that eruption of love in the room, I thought, ‘what can I do to honor the truth? What can I possibly do?’” he said on Tuesday.

“And then I saw the bandage and I thought, I can do that. So, I put it on simply to honor Trump and to express sympathy with him and unity with him.”

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