July 19, 2024

During the fourth night of the Republican National Convention Shitfest that felt like it was lasting for months as the GOP Presidential nominee for 2024, who was fired in 2020 and is facing a bazillion charges from his four-year crime spree while in office, Donald Trump took to the stage to lie his ass off. I know you're shocked. CNN's fact-checker Daniel Dale has been issuing tweets (or are they called xeets now?) to call out the felon's lies. That's nice that the network suddenly wants to fact-check. We could have used that during the debate.

Trump regurgitated his typical lies about the 2020 election, the "China virus," and even gave a shoutout to Hannibal Lecter again, the fictional character who was a serial killer in the movie 'Silence of the Lambs who had a penchant for eating his victims. Imagine if President Joe Biden repeated something so heinous.

Then, Trump gave a nod to the leader of the Taliban because he claims he praised him by calling him "Your Excellency." You can't make this stuff up.

"And he said, I understand, your Excellency," Trump said. "Call me your excellency. I wonder if he calls the other guy, Your Excellency."

"I doubt it," he continued as if he couldn't stop himself. "The other guy gave him everything. I mean, what kind of a deal was that? He walked out, gave him everything."

I cannot translate Turnip, so translating that last part is difficult, but Mr. Big Brain seems to have omitted a pretty important part. Trump agreed while in office that the United States would release 5,000 Taliban prisoners. What kind of a deal was that?

Again, imagine if Biden said that. Trump was reportedly going to tone it down, but Trump, being Trump, the raging narcissist, amped it up.

Trump supporters appeared to be falling asleep as their hero continued to talk off-script:

Can you help us out?

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