July 18, 2024

Thomas Homan, former customs and enforcement director, inadvertently told the crowd at the Republican National Convention that President Biden has kept us safer than the felon did during his long four years in office. Even the crowd of Trump supporters didn't know how to react. They should, though, because when their orange pissdaddy speaks gibberish, they applaud every word that comes out of his anus-shaped mouth. But Homan said the quiet part out loud. You go, Thomas!

Homan told the crowd that under Donald Trump, 13 people were arrested on the terrorist watch list. Under President Biden's first term, 381 individuals on the terrorist watch list were arrested. That sure seems like a good thing to me. Homan, though, came out as pro-terrorist.

A President's job is to keep Americans safe. That means they aren't supposed to incite an insurrection that results in deaths and destruction. But to Trump supporters, it's OK because their hero is beyond criticism of any sort. Whatever he does gets a pass. And the fact that the Trump administration failed to stop terrorists from wreaking havoc seems like it's not a winning issue for Trump. But thanks for the Biden endorsement, Thomas, you dumb motherfucker.

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