July 20, 2024

On Monday night, Teamsters president Sean O'Brien spoke at the RNC convention in Milwaukee. During his address, he promptly dropped to his knees to kiss Trump's oversized, orange ass.

In rather short order, O'Brien was notified by many people that this was not cool with them. The Biden/Harris campaign quickly responded with a tweet showing a video of O'Brien, shortly after his speech, admitting that President Biden had done a lot for the Teamsters and for the other unions and for all American workers. O'Brien then said that Biden was indeed one of the most pro-labor presidents in recent history.

What should be even more disturbing to O'Brien is that there was some open rebellion from his own members:

O’Brien’s turn at the RNC was not appreciated by everyone at the Teamsters. The union’s official Twitter account bashed him on Tuesday after he shared a piece about his speech by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.). The piece, titled “The Promise of Pro-Labor Conservatism,” begins by suggesting that American workers are getting screwed because companies are using profits to “push diversity, equity, and inclusion and the religion of the trans flag.”

“Unions gain nothing from endorsing the racist, misogynistic, and anti-trans politics of the far right, no matter how much people like Sen. Hawley attempt to tether such bigotry to a cynical pro-labor message,” the Teamsters account wrote on X, adding: “You don’t unite a diverse working class by scoffing at its diversity.”

The Teamsters’ X account also shared a post from The Nation which said, “Despite Sean O’Brien’s support for Trump at the RNC, let’s be clear: A second Trump term would not be a win for the labor movement.” The account separately shared an X post asking: “Did anyone ask Sean O’Brien if he read the part in Project 2025 about Republicans wanting to end overtime pay? Do his union members know about this?” (Project 2025 is conservative groups’ controversial policy agenda for a second Trump term.)

No one knows what O'Brien's fate will be with his union. Will they oust him as soon as they can? Will they wait until the next election? Or will they just grumble a lot and do nothing? Now, O'Brien has done a lot of good things for the Teamsters, but he threw it all away with this one bad decision.

But fortunately for him, he could always get another job even more suitable for him. He could be the guy who is responsible for getting Scabby the Rat to wherever he is needed. Or if necessary, he could even fill the role himself.


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