July 20, 2024

The Republican convention was such a festival of freaks you may not have even noticed Matt Gaetz. Also, b/c Gaetz didn't look like Gaetz, but more like Gaetz with 2 sets of eyebrows and his entire face pulled back like he was The Bug from Men in Black.

It's another reminder that Republicans aren't just dumb, cruel, ignorant, trashy, religious nutbags and eternally resentful...but also WEIRD. Really Weird. We won't even get into the wax museum-looking, crotch-scratching-on-tv mess that was Kimberly Guilfoyle.

But Gaetz is only 42 and he's already had extensive plastic surgery!? WHY? In any case, Cliff Schecter & Tony Michaels lose their s*t laughing in this hilarious clip as they develop theories about what Gaetz did to his face, and why, among other creepy RNC moments.

Watch the video! And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Cliff's Edge, Cliff Schecter's Youtube Channel, where he produces videos daily--and is w/in 1000 subscribers of 50,000!

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