MAGA Freaks Out Over Right Wing Defeat In France's Election
Credit: @bluegal (Composite) via Bing AI
July 8, 2024

MAGA sycophants reacted violently to the news that the far-right Le Pen group was soundly defeated by the people of France.

In the runoff election over the weekend, the left-wing coalition called New Popular Front defeated the far-right National Rally party led by Marine Le Pen’s party, who ran third.

It is absurd that every election the far-right loses must be "stolen!"

Even in other countries, MAGA? What a bunch of whiners.

No proof needed. All the MAGAts need is for one of their wackos to tweet out a lie and it immediately becomes gospel for these crackpots.

It's interesting the Fox News highlighted riots in the streets of France, instead of the defeat of Le Pen.

Multiple Murdoch outlets focused on how "difficult" it would be to govern France now. Oh, you mean DEMOCRACY is MESSY compared to fascist "order"?

Get out of here, losers.

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