Former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley was forced to bend the knee—again—and demanded the rest of the GOP do the same Tuesday night at the Republican National Convention in Wisconsin.
July 18, 2024

Former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley was forced to bend the knee—again—and demanded the rest of the GOP do the same Tuesday night at the Republican National Convention in Wisconsin. Haley came out to a response that can only be called … not entirely enthusiastic.

“President Trump asked me to speak to this convention in the name of unity,” Haley began. “It was a gracious invitation, and I was happy to accept.” One must wonder if the man she called “unstable and unhinged” referred to her as “Nimbra” when he asked her to speak—the way he repeatedly did on his Truth Social account during the Republican primary.

”I'll start by making one thing perfectly clear,” Haley said, “Donald Trump has my strong endorsement. Period.”

For this, the GOP convention audience stood to applaud. Trump did not.

You earned it, Haley.

Published with permission of Daily Kos

(Editor's note: The South Carolina delegation was seated waaaaay in the back, where they couldn't see anything. We're sure it was just a coincidence.)

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