July 30, 2024

John Giles' Op-Ed in yesterday's Arizona Republic, Why, as a Republican mayor, I support Kamala Harris over Trump, is ruffling a lot of feathers.

Asked by CNN's Laura Coates what compelled the Republican Mayor of Mesa, Arizona to endorse Kamala Harris for President, John Giles cited Trump's comments at Turning Point Action’s Believers’ Summit on Friday that if he wins the presidency in November, they would never need to vote again.

Source: Mediaite

Coates played a clip from Trump’s Monday interview with Fox News in which he called the backlash to his comments “ridiculous” and retorted how he left office at the end of his last term.

Asked by the host about whether he thought Trump would, in fact, leave office, Giles replied:

MAYOR GILES: "No, I don’t. As I was writing this op-ed that ran in The Arizona Republic this morning I remember at one point I had a phrase in the op-ed where I said: ‘If Donald Trump selected, I fear this might be the last free and fair election of my lifetime’ – and I struck it out because I thought, you know what that’s a little hyperbolic, that’s more than needs to be said.

And then he makes this statement saying that once I'm elected and I’m enthroned, we won’t need elections any longer. So sometimes Donald Trump says the quiet part out loud and we have to believe him. And I think this is one of those occasions that we got some real insight into what his priorities are."

LAURA COATES: “There are many who will say that the conversation itself is hyperbolic and then you hear statements that he’s made and you have to wonder, which came first the chicken or the egg in these conversations."

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