RNC Won't Allow Entrance To Disability Rights Advocacy Group
Credit: Screencap
July 16, 2024

The RNC is once again providing a taste of their Project 2025 which includes, among so many other evils, denial of rights for people with disabilities. They wouldn't even allow the disability rights group American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) to even enter the convention to observe what their position is towards people with disabilities:

Town said, "It prevents an opportunity to see how issues that matter to disabled people are being integrated into platforms and being discussed by one of the nation's primary parties."

Town said disabled people belong anywhere where decisions are made. Which is why the AAPD requested to attend both conventions this summer.

Town said size restrictions were cited as the reason for the denial.

She said, "It also prevents us from reaching out to disabled Republican voters."

The AAPD is a nonpartisan group that was founded by people in both parties, including the late Senator Bob Dole. Their interests include advocating for sufficient in-home services and inclusive education and employment opportunities.

Well, there's the problem. We all know how the Republicans feel about equity and inclusiveness. They hate it because it takes away their false sense of superiority. Ironically, it is their own members they are hurting.

The DNC gave passes to the group without hesitation.

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