August 5, 2024

At the end of an interview on Fox and Friends, host Rachel Compost-Duffy could help but gush all over Senator Ron Johnson for all his work is pro-COVID work:

COMPOST-DUFFY: Um, by the way, I had a picture of you. I saw you. I saw you had a podcast with Russell Brand. He was cross legged interviewing you. You were in your suit. I thought it was such an interesting shot because you two couldn't look more different. And yet both of you, I think, were two of the most courageous people during the COVID pandemic scam. And both of you have also stood up for those who were vaccine injured. So, I just really want to thank you for your courage because I really appreciate it.

By COVID pandemic scam, Compost-Duffy meant, of course, the viral infection that was contracted by more than 104 million Americans, killing over 1.1 million of them. It was such a scam that RoJo caught COVID at least twice, even though he was vaccinated.

And speaking of vaccinated, all that hard work that Compost-Duffy mentioned consisted of falsely citing unconfirmed VAERS reports. Oddly, she did not mention RoJo pushing quack remedies like Ivermectin or Listerine mouthwash.

With heroes like RoJo keeping us safe from things far beyond his understanding, it's nothing short of a miracle that any of us survived this long.

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