August 10, 2024

Tonight is the last rally for this phase, and if you haven't seen one, you won't want to miss her. Via the Guardian:

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will wrap up their first week together on the campaign trail with a rally in Las Vegas on Saturday, as the Democratic party seeks to further galvanize its base and win over undecided voters in battleground states such as Nevada.

In what will be the vice-president and Minnesota governor’s fifth rally in five days, the pair will hope to continue building on the renewed wave of enthusiasm and engagement among some voters and organizers since Joe Biden stepped down from the presidential race amid growing concerns over his cognitive health and entrenched support for Israel’s war in Gaza.

A new, major poll by the New York Times and Siena College published on Saturday found Harris leading Trump by four points in three key states – Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, reversing the downward trend for Democrats as Biden’s popularity and performance tanked.

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