September 30, 2024

Kamala Harris isn't letting up when it comes to hammering Trump over refusing to do a second presidential debate. After some magnificent trolling this Saturday at the Alabama-Georgia game, Harris continued to hammer Trump at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada this Saturday.

HARRIS: And in two days, I know we will cheer on Coach Walz when he debates JD Vance! Yup.

But listen. Also, their debate should not be the last word. I’m trying to debate Donald Trump again and. I think he should debate again.

The American people have a right to hear us discuss the issues. And as you say, here in Las Vegas, I’m all in! I’m all in!

Even if my opponent is ready to fold! So there you go.

Everyone knows Trump lost the first debate, and the fact that Trump can't get over losing is making him meaner and crazier by the day.

I hope she keeps up the taunts until he relents. The American public needs to be reminded once again of just how unstable Trump is. Our corporate media is completely unwilling to do their job.

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