September 29, 2024

The former President's rally in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, was batshit crazy. The event was to be outside, but due to Secret Service staffing concerns after the assassination attempts, it was moved indoors. Trump, of course, blamed Kamala Harris for that on Truth Social. The braggadocious blowhard also falsely claimed that 50,000 people were outside the venue wanting to get inside to see the felonious former President speak.

Trump cannot get past losing the debate to Vice President Kamala Harris, even though the former President didn't bother preparing to debate the former prosecutor. At his rally, Trump's narcissism was on full display.

"And when I mention that, they go, Oh, he's fallen into a trap because he's what you ever see that whenever I criticize, they say, well, the stupid people, the anchors back there," he insisted.

"No, they say he fell into a trap, her trap," he continued. "She can't set a mental trap. But if she says something wrong, like in the debate, she said something wrong. I questioned it. She said another thing wrong."

"I made her look bad," the debate loser said. "She said another thing they don't want me to ever question. They said, Oh, he fell into a trap."

Narrator: He fell right into Harris's trap.

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