September 12, 2024

State and local election officials from across the country yesterday warned that problems with the nation’s mail delivery system threaten to disenfranchise voters in the upcoming presidential election, telling the head of the US Postal Service that it hasn’t fixed persistent problems. With Louis DeJoy at the helm, seems like this is a feature, not a bug. Via the Guardian:

The officials said in a letter that over the past year, including the just-concluded primary season, mailed ballots that were postmarked on time were received by local election offices days after the deadline to be counted. They also noted that properly addressed election mail was being returned to them as undeliverable. Repeated outreach to USPS to resolve the issues had failed, the officials added.

“We have not seen improvement or concerted efforts to remediate our concerns,” stated the letter. “In fact, many of the issues raised by election officials are echoed in the recent findings of the USPS Office of Inspector General Audit, Election Mail Readiness for the 2024 General Election.”

The letter to Louis DeJoy, the US postmaster general, came from two groups that represent top election administrators in all 50 states. A message seeking a response from USPS was not immediately returned.

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