Jamie Raskin, the Democrats' top investigator in the House, already has a pretty clear idea of what probes his committee will pursue if his party retakes the House majority. Raskin is particularly well positioned as his panel, the House Oversight Committee, gradually has become the House's go-to investigative body. Via Axios:
Raskin told Axios in an interview that Democrats would "probably have a pretty good start based on everything we've been asking the Republicans to look into, that they refuse to do."
That includes hearings on longstanding policy issues such as gun control, climate change and Supreme Court ethics, with the goal of persuading the public of the merits of policy action, he said.
Raskin said he also would likely pursue Trump-focused investigations.
Those could include issues such as the business dealings of former President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and Trump's business operations when he was in the White House, to help craft anti-corruption legislation.