September 15, 2024

Trump won the state comfortably in 2016 and 2020 but that might not be the case this year, putting Iowa suddenly on the radar to watch. A poll in June from Ann Selzer gave Trump an 18-point advantage over President Biden.

Huge spikes in enthusiasm among women, voters younger than 45, city dwellers, and those with a college degree are given as the reasons for the shift.

Source: Des Moines Register

Kamala Harris has significantly narrowed the presidential race in Iowa, cutting Donald Trump’s lead to 4 percentage points in a dramatic turnaround from Joe Biden’s double-digit deficit.

A new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows that Trump leads Vice President Harris 47% to 43% among likely Iowa voters — a far slimmer margin than the 18-point lead the former Republican president enjoyed over Democratic President Biden in late spring.

Before Biden ended his reelection campaign, a June Iowa Poll showed Trump leading 50% to 32%.

This is the Iowa Poll’s first test of Harris’ strength against Trump since she became the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee in August.

“I wouldn’t say 4 points is comfortable” for Trump, said pollster J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co. “The race has tightened significantly.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has abandoned his independent presidential campaign but will remain on the Iowa ballot, gets 6% of the vote. That’s down from 9% in June.

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