September 17, 2024

Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw just loves, loves, loves making an ass out of himself. Recently, McCraw proved this to be true by spewing some inciteful, racist, anti-migrant rhetoric, much like the Orange Felon and his sidekick, the Sofa Seducer:

I mean, some of them find it harsh using the term, you know, infestation and cockroaches and things like that. All you have to do is interview or spend some time with some victims, some migrant victims that are here in this country. You'll understand that the governor has not overstated the issue, in fact, he has well stated the issue, and Texas is not going to allow any part of this state to be infested that type of disease.

McCraw might ring a bell. He's the asshat who completely mishandled the Uvalde school shooting. Ironically, he had said he would step down if he was found to be responsible for his screw up. That happened in January. Not only is he still in office, despite his word, but he recently said that he will stay until at least the end of the year.

In a normal, functional state, McCraw would have been celebrating Groundhog Day by browsing online for oversized cowboy hats. But this isn't a normal, functional state, it's Texas, where all the officials are all hat, no cattle.

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