September 5, 2024

Calm down, MAGA, we're just asking the question...

Trump addressed the Economic Club of New York this morning and gave a drowsy, lethargic, and morose speech that elicited no responses from the audience, which most likely was failing to stay awake themselves.

Trump sounded like an orange-dyed Stepford zombie, emotionless, as he recited the same tired script of his usual lies.

TRUMP: ...a nation-wrecking border invasion with illegal aliens pouring in from countries all over the world. They came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country.

Those countries, from their prisons and jails, there is a difference.

From mental institutions and insane asylums, as well as record numbers of terrorists, human traffickers and sex traffickers, numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years.

Did Trump mix up his medications?

Maybe his batteries need replacing.

Trump's speeches to "business groups" are the same as his rally speeches.

It's like listening to a slowed-down version of "Friday" endlessly.

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