September 30, 2024

A woman getting ready to attend a rally in Pennsylvania claimed she's Trump's adopted daughter and his vice president.

I kid you not.

The RSBN host just went with it.

HOST: Alright, so who should we talk to? Let's talk to some nice ladies. Look at these beauties over here. What's your name?

KOWALSKI: My name is Rosa Kowalski.

HOST: Well, is this your first Trump rally today?


HOST: Okay. So tell me why. Are you here to support President Trump?

KOWALSKI: I am the adopted daughter of President Trump. I am Rosa Kowalski.

Yes, and I am his vice president.

HOST: Okay, okay.

KOWALSKI: I don't like Vance because he's not good.

HOST: Well, I wish you good luck in this election then.

KOWALSKI: Thank you.

HOST: You heard it here first. Vice president to Donald J. Trump.

People like Rosa make up Trump's MAGA base. They are influenced by Christian nationalists, TPUSA, and all the other off-the-wall right-wing media outlets and social media platforms.

Rosa is not an outlier.

She's batshit crazy, and seriously in need of some help. But she and crazies like her vote.

Can you help us out?

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