September 11, 2024

Donald Trump said he's not inclined to do a second debate with Kamala Harris. REALLY?

Naturally, after getting his butt whipped last night, he ran to Fox News this morning to bitch about ABC News and claim victory by using Newsmax snap polls as "evidence."

TRUMP: I don't know that I want to do another debate.

DOOCY: Right. So, right at the end, as I was interrupting, so you don't know if you want to do another debate. It sounds like you're a no.

TRUMP: Well, I'd be less inclined to because we had a great night.

We won the debate.

We had a terrible, terrible network. I think they were terrible. They should be embarrassed.

I mean, they kept correcting me and what I said was largely right, or I hope it was right. But what they said was absolutely wrong, the other, you know, what she said, and they refused to correct.

I even complained a couple of times. Why aren't you correcting them? Look, they should have corrected six or seven times, she told an outright lie. Another one is Project 2025. They know it has nothing to do with me.

She mentioned it all night long and they refused to correct it.

And everybody, I have nothing to do with Project 2025.

I will say just one thing.

But I am not inclined to do it because I won the debate by a lot, but I think we let it settle in and let's see what happens.

What Trump means is that if he is down in the polls he'll do a second debate, if he feels he's winning he won't. The Harris team already challenged Trump to a second debate, but he's... hesitant?

He should be.

Harris does not need to participate in another presidential debate. The VP proved she's the better choice to lead the country.

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