October 15, 2024

At a October 14 rally, Trump appeared lost, confused, and frozen on stage. The former president stood on stage as music played for over 40 minutes as the crowd poured out of the venue early. The song playing in the video clip above is called "Time to Say Goodbye." It is played at funerals.

The former president answered just four questions from the "town hall" then said the audience didn't want to do any more questions. He suggested listening to music instead.

Kristi Noem tried to make Trump's bizarre behavior seem normal.

During the Trump's confused musical episode, the 78-year-old briefly grabbed the microphone again...

Trump's disturbing town hall comes on the heels of over 230 doctors called for the elderly candidate to release his medical records.

One more red flag of Trump's cognitive decline! Hello? Are any reporters in traditional media watching Trump's rallies?

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