I'm not even sure exactly what she was trying to say during this word-salad attack on Kamala Harris at an event with Trump in Oaks, PA this Monday, but maybe she should check the source of her quotes before she uses them to call other people stupid.
October 15, 2024

I'm not even sure exactly what she was trying to say during this word-salad attack on Kamala Harris at an event with Trump in Oaks, PA this Monday, but maybe she should check the source of her quotes before she uses them to call other people stupid.

Here's South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem making a fool of herself claiming the quote she was using to go after Harris was from John Wayne.

NOEM: So I have a quote that I like a lot by John Wayne that says "Life is hard, but it's harder when you're stupid."

TRUMP: Yeah.

NOEM: I think that perfectly explains Kamala Harris. Right? Right sir? Now our life has been hard because of her, but can you imagine what it's like to wake up as Kamala Harris? How hard life must be?

Yes, Noem and Trump have just had it so hard and are barely getting by in the last four years, when Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris has been president.

So, first of all, she didn't even get the attribution for the quote right. According to Snopes, John Wayne never said that either in real life or in one of his movies.

The phrase "Life is hard; it's harder when you're stupid" (also variously rendered as "Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid" or "Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid") has long been a favorite of memists, nearly all of whom attribute the saying to iconic Western film actor John Wayne. It sounds like something the blunt-speaking Duke would have said, and that's sufficient for most people. But John Wayne didn't actually say this, either as a line of character dialogue in a film or speaking as himself. [...]

The earliest known cinematic use of this thought (whatever its precise expression) appears in the 1973 crime film The Friends of Eddie Coyle, which was in turn based on the 1970 novel of the same name by George V. Higgins. The book's title character is an aging small-time criminal and informant who works as a gun runner in Boston's Irish-American underworld, but it is another character, the young gun runner Jackie Brown, who ends up saying, "This life's hard, but it's harder if you're stupid." That line comes through almost intact in the film version, rendered by actor Steven Keats (playing Jackie Brown) as "This life's hard, man, but it's harder if you're stupid":

Second, I would love to know who exactly does she think life has been "hard" for while Biden has been president? It sure as hell isn't her or Trump. And it isn't most of their supporters either.

The economy in America has been recovering better since Biden took office and had to clean up Trump's botched COVID response than any other industrialized nation.

Trump's tax policies are the ones that the actual "stupid" people support when it would take money out of their pockets, not Harris'.

But do keep telling the rest of us how "stupid" we are for not supporting the fascist you're enabling, Kristi.

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