July 23, 2024

Team Trump is panicking after the man they claimed was unfit for office passed the torch to his vice president in the 2024 Presidential election. However, Trump is the one who displays daily that he's unfit for office. Meanwhile, Old Joe Biden displayed a heroic act by suspending his campaign after elitist Democrats hammered him for no apparent reason except for his disastrous debate performance. And now, Trump is the old candidate.

So, the KHive was activated as the donations have poured in for Harris's campaign at a rapid rate. She is bringing energy into the race, and Trump's enablers aren't handling it very well. That's a shame.

Fox News's Sean Hannity played a clip of Kamala laughing as if being a happy person is a bad thing.

"Here's just one reason that voters seem to detest Kamala Harris," Hannity said. "You decide."

OK, I decided, Sean. I like people who laugh a lot. I laugh a lot. Fuck you.

And he's mad about plastic straws, you guys:

That's it. That's all they have. It's sad, really. After backing the most openly corrupt figure for years, a felonious rapist facing a bazillion charges who begged for immunity, they're hitting Kamala for laughing and something about straws.

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