October 15, 2024

Von Shitzhispants really sh*t his pants when he was asked if he thought Google should be broken up.

At the Economic Club of Chicago, John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, asked Trump a simple question any politician or U.S. citizen could answer one way or the other. It's the type of question Fullofshiticus could've answered with a simple "yes or no" and then gone on to ramble about things not related.

Trump could not do this. There's something wrong cognitively with Demented Donald's brain.

MICKLETHWAIT: Should Google be broken up?

TRUMP: I just haven't gotten over something. The Justice Department did yesterday where Virginia cleaned up its voter rolls and got rid of thousands and thousands of bad votes. And the Justice Department sued them that they should be allowed to put those bad votes and illegal votes back in and let the people vote.

So I haven't. I haven't gotten. I haven't gotten over that. A lot of people have seen that.

They can't even believe it.

MICKLETHWAIT: The question is about Google, President Trump.

Outside of not knowing what he was asked, Trump has no idea what he's talking about.

Voter rolls are not actual votes. Since the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Republicans have been trying to purge rolls during elections to suppress minority votes they feel would work against their interests.

However, the DOJ is suing Virginia now for illegally purging their roles.

The Justice Department announced Friday that it is suing Virginia over its efforts to purge voter rolls within 90 days of an election, calling the state's actions a violation of federal voting laws.

The suit comes about two months after Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order requiring the state's Department of Elections to conduct daily updates to its voting list, including comparing the list of identified "noncitizens" to the state's existing list of registered voters.

Every action Trump takes is to dispute the election if when he loses. Youngkin is aiding and abetting a convicted felon.

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