October 11, 2024

Former President Obama stumped for Kamala Harris in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, taking Trump to the woodshed and spanking him hard. When Obama first left office, he did not criticize his successor, but something had to be said eventually. This time, he called out the Bible, sneaker, and $100,000 watch salesman and didn't hold back.

"The two-hour speeches, word salad, just, you know, it's like Fidel Castro, just on and on," Obama said. "Constant attempts to sell you stuff. Who does that?"

"Selling you gold sneakers, a $100,000 watch, and most recently, a Trump Bible," he continued. "He wants you to buy the Word of God, Donald Trump edition. Got his name right there next to Matthew and Luke."

"I mean, you could not make this stuff up," he said. "If you saw it on Saturday Night Live, you'd say, well, no, that's, I mean, that's going too far."

"No, he's doing that," he added. "It's crazy."

Obama knows how to get under Donald's thin skin. Last night, he mocked him as a weak man unfit to hold the highest seat in the land. And most of all, he called him out for being a grifter.

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