Brilliant at Breakfast: So what on earth makes anyone think that more tax cuts will cause the executives of these companies to "create jobs"? No More Mister Nice Blog: Dear political insiders – it's time for an intervention. Alicublog: The
December 4, 2011

Brilliant at Breakfast: So what on earth makes anyone think that more tax cuts will cause the executives of these companies to "create jobs"?

No More Mister Nice Blog: Dear political insiders – it's time for an intervention.

Alicublog: The eternal victim/bully.

Echidne of the Snakes: Autism – it's the uppity woman's fault.

TBogg: Consider the lilies of the field; they ask not for overtime.

Sadly, No: I want what Scott's smoking.

Guest post by Batocchio. Email tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.

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