alicublog - the GOP, losing the culture war since ... forever; LGF - on Fox News, anchor tells YOU your opinion; LGM - college students, concealed firearms, and Coors Light - what could possibly go wrong? Taylor Marsh - the fake fiscal
November 27, 2012

alicublog - the GOP, losing the culture war since ... forever;

LGF - on Fox News, anchor tells YOU your opinion;

LGM - college students, concealed firearms, and Coors Light - what could possibly go wrong?

Taylor Marsh - the fake fiscal cliff;

The Agonist - Netanyahu and Hamas will slice each other up with Occam's Razor;

blogenfreude blogs at, asks that you revisit his Ranker list as it's been updated, and needs a tutorial for the iPhone 4 his girlfriend gave him. Send tips to MBRU [at] crooksandliars [DOT] com.

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