These tweets were Rick's passive-agressive response to all the criticism he got over his "giving money to the poor breeds dependence" quip on "This Week."
He obviously got his fee-fees hurt, because he took the extraordinary step of blocking me (guess he didn't care for the post linked above -- or this) and wrote, "Ignore slander...beware when all men speak well of you."
The tweets above are of a piece with what Franklin Graham said a while back -- that the church does a much better job than the government at taking care of people -- so really, who needs all this Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid stuff anyway? Overlaps beautifully with Republican dogma, doesn't it?
Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that when populations are impoverished, charities that run on donations from those populations also become impoverished. If feeding the poor is your goal, one would think, you should be happy to get all the help you can get. But to right-wing partisans like Warren -- charity becomes a pissing contest, and an opportunity to bash government.
There's a perfect response tweeted under his original tweet.
this is great and I agree with you but what happens to the ppl who live in areas where the church can't afford to feed them?
Warren had no answer.
Karoli has more.