March 14, 2012

Live stream by Ustream

Update: Livestream has signed off, so I've added more video footage of today's action below.

1 percenters for Romney rally outside fundraiser luncheon for Romney outside the Waldorf Astoria Hotel at 301 Park Ave. (at 50th St).

Planned to be a fun filled 1 percenters for Romney rally with people dressed to the nines, ball gowns, suits, top hats and tiaras – and signs that echo Romney’s own words, “Corporations are People too!” as well as “Buy Your Own Politician. Romney’s Mine.” We’ll highlight the nightmare of corporate personhood and the selling of our democracy to the top bidder.

Tim Pool is livestreaming from NYC where Occupy protesters wait to greet GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

A huge turnout by Occupy Wall Street, with the hotel also surrounded by NYPD - naturally - and circled by helicopters.

Also, via Twitter so this is unconfirmed, Waldorf Astoria Hotel employees are said to be planning to refuse to serve Romney, and instead have a walk-out in protest.

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In this video, the NYPD physically forces about 100 protesters away from the entrance to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

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Protesters, labor unions, and community groups all greet mitt romney as he arrives for a fundraising luncheon held at the waldorf-astoria. Many of the protesters are dressed in costume, the Grim Reaper, more Reapers carrying a fake casket.

[oldembed width="425" height="300" src="" resize="1" fid="1"]

The Occupy Wall Street choir was even on hand to protest Romney, also known as "Mr. 1 Percent" to the protesters.

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