In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper tonight, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) broke with Mitt Romney and said that he could not continue to support Indiana Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock unless he offers an apology for saying during a debate on Tuesday night, that pregnancy after rape is “something that God intended to happen.” While several high-profile Republicans have sharply denounced Mourdock, Romney continues to support him and will not ask for Mourdock to take down a TV ad with Romney endorsing his candidacy. Incidentally, it’s the only general election ad that Mitt Romney has appeared in for a candidate for U.S. Senate.
COOPER: "Senator John McCain made some news on this when I asked him earlier if he still has – well, if he still supports Mourdock."
COOPER (on tape): "Do you still count yourself in his corner?"
MCCAIN (on tape): "It depends on what he does. I think it depends on what he does. If he apologizes and says he misspoke and he was wrong and he asks the people to forgive him, then obviously I’d be the first – you know, as I said, I'm not sure how big a mistakes that I’ve made. But, you know, in the years that I’ve been around, I’ve made a few, Anderson, and I’ve asked for people's understanding and forgiveness when I won't -- when I own up to it. It’s when you don't own up to it when people will not believe you."
Senator McCain is also the only Republican thus far to call on Mourdock to apologize for his outrageous statement on rape.