Interesting when you consider now that, even in 1961, Technology was very much on India's mind. In this 1961 address to The Collegiate Council of the United Nations, Indian Prime Minister Jawahrarlal Nehru saw the importance of technological advances in an emerging nation. How education was the most important thing in obtaining a better place in the world in general. And how, on the one hand nations like the U.S. were making great technological strides, yet somehow losing on moral grounds. The two, in Nehru's mind, had to be in harmony.
Nehru: “On the one side there is tremendous achievement and the world is changing rapidly in regard to technical matters, technological advances and material advancement. But probably the thinking of human beings has not kept pace with these changes that are taking place.
Later on in his address, Nehru quoted Albert Einstein in saying the war after the next war will most likely be fought with bows and arrows.
He may still have a point there.
Here is the complete address Prime Minister Nehru gave at that United Nations meeting on November 11, 1961.