July 19, 2010

(The irony)

With the latest flap regarding Mark Williams racist remarks over at The Tea Party, I thought I would toss in some historic audio of a KKK rally, held in Saugus California on September 17, 1966. Recorded unflinchingly by Pacifica Radio, the rally has an eerie sense of deja-vu. The racism is overt, there is no doubt about it. But then as now, the government is the culprit. It's the Government who are perverting the Constitution. It's the Government who are stifling Freedom of Speech. it's the Government who are ruining our lives.

All buzz words. Pretty much the same buzz words you hear now. The difference however, is a subtle one - one that hopefully most won't notice. But in 1966, subtle wasn't in their vocabulary.

Rev. Warren: “This is a nation of the people, by the people and for the people and we are going to restore our Constitutional government in this country. We are working for the impeachment and removal of every non-Christian that is on the Supreme Court of The United States. We are going to remove every non-white man from the Congress and from the State Department and from any other area of the government. We are going to reintroduce laws against racial inter-marriage.”

The main speaker was a Revered Warren who claimed to be a member of the Southern Baptist Methodist Church. I haven't been able to find any other information on him, nor do I have any information on the speaker who begins the tape. But the inflammatory hate speech and race baiting are carbon copies of words spoken at any one of a thousand rallies. You can draw your own conclusions.

The hate however, is timeless.

A word of caution - I'm not so sure you'll want to play this at your work since I didn't censor a word or syllable of it.

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