(The Zen Circus - Things are looking real all over) Of all the discoveries I've made via MySpace the past two years, the one that stands out as one
October 17, 2009


(The Zen Circus - Things are looking real all over)

Of all the discoveries I've made via MySpace the past two years, the one that stands out as one of my favorites has to be Zen Circus. It is truly the epitome of the International band. Made up of Italians, Croatians, French and recently involving Brian Ritchie from The Violent Femmes, Kim and Kelly Deal (The Breeders/Pixies), Jerry Harrison (Talking Heads), Italian guitarist Giorgio Canali - a virtual who's who of indie/punk/underground musicians.

Their first album, Villa Inferno came out in early 2008 and a new one, still in the process of mixing should be out towards the end of this year.

This track Les Tantes de la Dimanche was the first song I heard when I went to their site. It's only the tip of the iceberg.

I really urge you to check them out and bookmark their site. I doubt they are slated to tour the U.S. anytime soon - but it would be great if they did.

Trust me on this one - even if you don't understand the lyrics - they sing in English too. Just not this track.

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