President Nixon delivered one of his rare press conferences during Prime Time on December 10, 1970. As press conferences went, there were no startling revelations and it all went pretty much to plan, including two announcements:
Pres. Nixon: “I will announce tonight however, two I think important additions to the Administration. The first, Mister Rumsfeld is coming into the White House as a Counselor to the President on a full time basis and Mister Frank Carlucci will take over as the Director of OEO. He is his deputy and has done an outstanding job in that particular position and I believe in promoting a man who has done such a job to the top spot. Mister George Bush, the Congressman who was defeated in his bid for the United States Senate, I talked to yesterday and I’m very happy to report that he has agreed to take a top position in the Administration. That will be announced tomorrow at Mister Ziegler’s eleven o’clock conference. Mister Bush will be there.”
Funny how those two names keep popping up. The gifts that just keep on giving.