News of this day (October 24, 1962) centered completely around the goings on at the United Nations. Here is a half-hour portion of news from that day.
October 24, 2011

United Nations - October 1962 - waiting to see who blinks first.

No doubt there was a lot more going on this day than just the UN Security Council, but you would be hard pressed to find it. On October 24, 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis was on everyone's mind. So much so, that most radio (and Television) stations in the U.S. had interrupted their regular programming to broadcast the sessions from the UN almost around the clock.

Here is a half-hour slice, from approximately 11:00-11:30 am (PST) on that day, as broadcast by NBC Radio and a host of very hoarse (and somewhat exhausted) announcers.

Try to visualize yourself in the place that you have no idea how this thing was going to end.

Good old days, you say?

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