News for this October 25th in 1951 was primarily about the British elections. As this broadcast of Edward R. Murrow and The News went on the air, votes were in the process of being counted. Murrow reported live from London with a breakdown. And even though Conservatives were projected to win a slim majority, by the end of the broadcast Murrow updated the numbers with 81 seats for Labor, 68 for Conservatives and 1 for Liberals. There were still many hours of counting left to go.
In other news, ceasefire talks were continuing over the Korean War with American proposals being bandied about. Still, the air war continued. In another potential hot spot, Premier Mossadegh of Iran was in Washington for talks with whoever was still in town, as most of the State Department was heading off to Paris, over the Iran/British Oil crisis and the resulting embargo of various goods from Britain. The Soviet Union were more than willing to help out, offering sugar and other food stuffs in exchange for favors. No doubt that put the icing on a few cakes.
Domestically, the cost of living was going up.
All in all, a reasonably calm day with implications for the future, but not for the present as reported by Bill Shadel in Washington and Edward R. Murrow in London this October 25, 1951.