News on this day in 1995 of a shooting at Ft. Bragg Army Base with an at-the-time-unknown sniper firing into a group of soldiers, killing one and wounding several others. As the day dragged on it became clear the assailant was one of their own. And safety concerns arose over airbag use for children as it was claimed the bags could do more harm than good, especially if the children in question weren't wearing seat belts to begin with. Claims that the Million Man March yielded a million men went under scrutiny and a researcher claimed it may have actually been around 800,000 - but with the margin of error it may have been either 600,000 or 1.1 million. And the check gets made out to who?
Boris Yeltsin was rushed to the hospital, much to the concern of all those around him even though they were tight-lipped about it.
And the Cleveland Indians were still in the World Series, coming up on Game 6 in Atlanta this evening. Trailing at 3-2, the Indians were still hopeful of pulling this one out of the hat.
Hope, like everything else, springs eternal.
And so it was on this October 27th in 1995, thanks to The CBS World News Roundup.