You've got to love watching these guys trying to put a good spin on Sarah Palin's potential return to politics. Michael Steele gets stopped in his tracks by Andrea Mitchell while calling Palin a "successful governor" when Mitchell points out that she quit half way through her term. Of course Steele plays the victim card for Palin and blames her quitting on the media making it impossible for her to do her job. Steele also claims that we've never seen this level of disrespect shown for a female political candidate.
I'd like to see Steele tell Hillary Clinton that to her face if he thinks no other female politician has ever been treated disrespectfully. I'd also like to ask Steele how President Obama is managing to concentrate on doing his job with amount of constant attacks being leveled at him by the media, primarily Fox and the right wing talk show hate machine?
How long will it take before the right wing blogs are trying to spin Mrs. Greenspan as an evil "librul" picking on poor old Sarah for this interview?