Here we go again with more birther nonsense from "The Donald" on this Monday's Fox & Friends: Trump: Romney shouldn't turn over tax records until Obama reveals college transcript:
Mitt Romney surrogate Donald Trump said Monday that the Republican presidential hopeful should refrain from turning over additional tax records unless President Obama reveals his college transcripts.
"You talk about transparency," Trump told Fox News. "We will learn more about Obama when we look at those college applications than any other thing that can happen. I don’t think Romney should give anything until such time as Obama gives his college records and applications.”
Romney has resisted calls from the Obama campaign to release more than a years' worth of tax returns, although pressure has been intensifying as new questions arise over his tenure at Bain Capital. Trump said Monday the Obama campaign had done "a great job" in crafting attack ads against Romney.
“They’re trying to make a man whose done a great job look very bad. And they are using deceit, they are using lies and I think Mitt is going to fight back very hard," Trump said. "You know, they are talking about tax returns — I mean, look, you know this, I’ve been saying it for a very long time, Obama should give his college applications and records."