This is the claptrap we're going to be hearing from the corporate media and Republicans for the next two years if the Republicans do make the gains everyone is predicting in the mid-term elections -- will Obama be able to "move to the center?", as
October 3, 2010

This is the claptrap we're going to be hearing from the corporate media and Republicans for the next two years if the Republicans do make the gains everyone is predicting in the mid-term elections -- will Obama be able to "move to the center?", as though he's not there already.

Obama will never be far enough to the right to suit them unless he changed parties and put an "R" behind his name and even then it probably wouldn't matter. Given the level of obstruction we've seen from Republicans during the last two years I shudder to think how much worse it's going to get if they do manage to get control back of either the House or the Senate.

These guys are just dying to demand that the President yields to a right wing agenda in the name of bipartisanship. I await the coming hissy fits that are sure to follow if he doesn't.

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