From Fox News Sunday, "Big Bad" John Cornyn is worried about the cencus being politicized if it's moved away from the control of the Commerce Secretary.
Wallace: Sen. Cornyn we now learn that the Obama administration is going to have the Director of the Census Bureau report not only to the Commerce Secretary, but also to the White House. What's wrong with that?
Cornyn: Well ordinarily this has been something that the Commerce Secretary's done and I think it ought to be done on a competent as much as possible non-partisan basis and to shift it to the White House to me just politicizes the census which is not something we should be doing.
Wallace: What's the danger briefly of politicizing the census?
Cornyn: Well because of course that determines who gets what Congressional districts. States like Texas were going to get probably at least three new Congressional districts based on the reproportioning and of course in drawing those lines, redistricting within states it's all based on those census figures. So if you cook the figures up front I think it distorts that process going forward and undermines the concept of one person one vote.
Coming from Texas, John Cornyn should know all about gerrymandering after what happened there in 2003. Hyprocrisy thy name is Republican.