Laura Ingraham pulls out the "Obama was the most liberal Senator" canard on Fox News Sunday while discussing his potential pick for a Supreme Court nominee. If memory serves that talking point didn't work out so well for them this past election but that doesn't stop Ingraham from continuing to beat that dead horse. She also has some wonderful advice for the GOP. The hell with the middle.
Ingraham: There are a lot of moderate Republicans out there giving advice saying okay the party needs to the middle. We need to embrace these new ideas and okay, interesting debate. The question is how did the Democrats gain power in recent years? By going to the middle? Democrats gained power by going to the most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate and they ran him for the Presidency and they won. They were relentlessly attacking George Bush for several years from the left. They didn't move to the middle. And the idea that Republicans now have to move to the middle, what beyond John McCain's middle, I don't know, is ridiculous. The Republican party has to grow the party with new ideas and effective communication and I haven't seen a lot of that lately.
I'll agree with her on one thing. I haven't seen any new ideas out of any of them either.