Fox's Neil Cavuto spent the two opening segments of his show this Thursday evening doing damage control for the Romney campaign, after the Boston Globe among others have been reporting on his time at Bain Capital and whether he profited personally from seeing jobs shipped overseas and a race to the bottom for America, when he's running on knowing how to manage our economy and as a "job creator."
First Cavuto brought in The Daily Caller's Jamie Weinstein, who we just previously got this crack reporting from on how Jon Stewart is a terrible person for making a lot of money during his appearance on Fox & Friends earlier this month. Weinstein and Cavuto's latest defense for Mitt Romney -- those in glass houses can't throw stones and that evil Nancy Pelosi made money off of foreign investments. Therefore she is exactly like Mitt Romney and no one can ever say anything bad about him.
Sorry Scooter, but Nancy Pelosi is not running for president. She is not going out there and claiming to be a "job creator" as the reason she's qualified to be president. And investing in foreign companies does not equal buying up U.S. companies, busting their unions, raiding their pension funds, telling everyone they're fired and can reapply for their jobs at half their previous wages and lining your pocket whether that investment went bad or went well and what Mitt Romney did during his time at Bain. You can play the false equivalency game all you want, but whether we think both things are good or bad or just business as usual in a global economy, they're not equal. And if Pelosi were running for president, you can bet Republicans would be using this against her in political ads, just at The Daily Caller is attacking her for it now.
Cavuto then moved on to discussing a recent Gallup poll that showed one in five voters being less likely to vote for him because of his wealth. If we had a more educated public as to how he attained that wealth, or who were paying attention to this election yet, I've got to wonder what those numbers might be. I'm not sure how you ever spin just the fact that he's wealthy being a negative with one in five into a good thing.
Cavuto wrapped things up with bringing in Suffolk University Political Research Center's David Paleologos who did his best to muddy the waters on the poll and Romney's problems with average voters as well. We've had a lot of rich presidents, so why is Romney being rich such a bad thing? Voters don't really care that Romney is rich and what "his balance sheet is," they care about "their own balance sheets." Barack Obama made a lot of money selling his books as well.
The last bit of this interview and the verbal gymnastics it took to get to their conclusions is pretty astounding.
CAVUTO: I guess what I'm asking is, do we want our president not to be rich? Or do we want, as you mentioned, most of them have been, but in this day and age, wouldn't we favor the rich guy getting it? Let's say there's a poor guy, I know I'm being déclassé here, but my point is this, that the rich guy seems to have been able to get rich. Maybe some of that will rub off.
It's a simplistic way of looking at it, but I guess, part of my thinking is, it would be like if you went into a health club and had a choice of the people who came in, Neil, you're offering to sort of train me here, but David is right next to you here. I'm going to go with David if you don't mind, because it doesn't look like I'm going to get the adequate training I need from you. And that would be perfectly understandable. You know what I'm saying. And I just think that we've got it ass backwards when we somehow hate wealth and not realize that with that skill set, maybe comes the skill set to get us out of the deep doo-doo we're in.
Yeah, that's the ticket Neil. Sorry pal, but a health club does not equal the American economy, the "strong guy" you worshiped who put the screws to everyone around him to line his own pockets is not some sort of hero. And the "skill set" Mitt Romney showed the rest of us he knows how to use is the one that teaches you how to get rich, line your own pocket and the consequences of what life is like for anyone else that has to live with them be damned.
Fox's downturn to just being the blatant propaganda channel where they play concern troll for the rich has been pretty astounding in recent years with just how much they're willing to lie without every being held accountable for those lies. What continues to amaze me and scare me is just how many of our fellow citizens out there actually take what is broadcast on this network seriously. Our corporate media for the most part is rotten to the core in America and Fox is dead center of its rotting heart.