Rachel Maddow calls bull-pucky on Fox News and the GOP for fake outrage on everything from fake pimp James O'Keefe who helped take ACORN down, to Climate-gate, to recess appointments, to the individual mandate in the health care plan, to Miranda rights, to trials for terrorists, to the birthers to you name it.
She asks "Has there ever been a time where we shared so few political facts?" and after noting that we need some actual serious political discourse in America and how important that is to our democracy adds this:
Two things disqualify you from this process. You can't threaten to shoot people, and you have to stop making stuff up.
Amen sister. She's right, the Republicans and their allies in the press should be disqualified from this process for propagandizing the public and for allowing the violent rhetoric coming out of these Tea partiers, Fox News and Republican members of Congress to continue. Until some more of your cohorts in the media are willing to do the same thing you did here, that's not going to happen. This dangerous nonsense only going to get worse until we get these media monopolies broken up.
We should have hundreds of those like Rachel Maddow, Amy Goodman, Thom Hartmann, Bill Moyers and others out there that everyone that visits this site is well aware of, giving equal weight to liberal voices that there is a market for, but has been suppressed by our corporate media that wants to pretend to play fair while marginalizing those that care more about facts over hype.
I don't know what it's going to take to finally get Glenn Beck off of the air or for someone in the GOP to finally tell Michele Bachmann to sit down and shut up but something's got to give or we're headed down a very dangerous path with how this all ends. I truly think some of these useful idiots would rather destroy our country than ever stop what they're doing, and it saddens and terrifies me. I was happy to see Rachel call some of them out for what is just a small portion of how destructive they've been to our democracy and our political discourse.