Rachel Maddow had a bit of fun and visited the 2010 CPAC Conference. She was really disappointed that she was not included in the floor mat that had her colleagues Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews on it. She tried to get Liz Cheney to talk to her and Cheney headed for the hills as soon as Rachel got near her...lol. I would love to see either of the Cheney's ever have the nerve to come on Rachel's show but I'm not holding my breath for that to happen any time soon. They're happier functioning in a fact-free zone like this convention or the loving arms of ClusterFox.
As Rachel notes if the Democrats had an ounce of sense, they would be using the Republicans aligning themselves with the type of extreme rhetoric which was all too common at this conference and making a campaign issue out of it. I'm not holding my breath for that to happen any time soon either. They're way too busy making bipartisan happy talk while the Republicans fling poo at them.