On C-SPAN's Washington Journal, Tucker Carlson is asked where he think this country is heading, and Carlson, the son of Swanson food fortune heiress Patricia Caroline Swanson and Richard Warner Carlson, would like the peons to prepare to have their entitlements slashed because he claims there aren't enough of his ilk to pay off the debt. Heaven forbid someone might want to tax his inheritance instead.
Carlson: There certainly is a feeling that things are really off track, more off track than any time in my conscious lifetime anyway, and debt is clearly the problem. I mean in two years the national debt will be 100% of GDP and that's unsustainable... that's not a real country, that's not sustainable, you can't have that. That's third world and so clearly there are going to have to be radical adjustments.
There aren't enough rich people in this country to pay down the debt to the extent is needs to be paid down. So we're going to have to turn back, it seems to me our expenditures and that means cutting entitlements; Social Security and particularly Medicare, that will need to be dealt with.
I think the basic assumptions of American life which are the assumptions of, increasingly of Socialism, that government will be there for you and take care of you are going to be reexamined pretty soon. I hope so and the one other thing I would say is the trend in the last thirty years in this country has been away from risk. Risk is bad and anything that is even slightly dangerous is terrifying; smoking, see-saws, you know anything that's going to hurt you is really, really bad.
And the result is the country's gotten grayer and less interesting because the flip side of risk is of course joy and I hope that we're moving back from that and maybe accepting risk as part of life. We all it turns out, I have heard anyway, die in the end and maybe we should just accept that and live with the greater degree of courage and happiness. Maybe be a tiny bit more like Israel it seems to me would be good.