Well, right now it looks like they may have gotten their wish. From The Young Turks before anyone knew the "outcome" of the election. Cenk takes the war mongers to task for hoping Ahmadinejad wins the election, because they want war with Iran.
As Cenk pointed out over at Daily KOS after he recorded this segment, the Iranian Elections Were Obviously Rigged.
It's going to be interesting to say the least to see how the neocons are reacting to the election "results" on the Sunday shows. As Spencer Ackerman points out though, the last thing the United States needs to be doing right now is getting into the middle of this, regardless of whether we agree with the election outcome or not.
As usual the blogosphere has done a better job of following this story than our sorry excuse for a "main stream media" in the United States. Example one being Andrew Sullivan , among others, who has done a very good job of following the events that have occurred over the last few days, and Tweets coming in from Iranians who were watching the events first hand.
I think democracy in Iran would be a wonderful thing, but I'm worried about what type of bloodshed may occur there in order for it to happen. My heart goes out to all of those young people there who are trying to do what they can to bring change to that country. I think in the long run even if they don't win this battle, the younger generation in Iran is going to bring change there eventually as long as the neocons don't get their way.