From Democracy Now, it looks like sadly we've got a real life scenario with the plot of the movie The Constant Gardener in Nigeria, made known due to a recent WikiLeaks cable.
WikiLeaks Cables: Pfizer Targeted Nigerian Attorney General to Undermine Suit over Fatal Drug Tests:
Diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks show the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer hired investigators to find evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general to pressure him to drop a $6 billion lawsuit over fraudulent drug tests on Nigerian children. Researchers did not obtain signed consent forms, and medical personnel said Pfizer did not tell parents their children were getting the experimental drug. Eleven children died, and others suffered disabling injuries including deafness, muteness, paralysis, brain damage, loss of sight, slurred speech. We speak to Washington Post reporter Joe Stephens, who helped break the story in 2000, and Musikilu Mojeed, a Nigerian journalist who has worked on this story for the NEXT newspaper in Lagos.
Transcript and the rest of the interview can be found at Democracy Now's site.
The Guardian UK has more on the WikiLeaks cables -- US embassy cables: Pfizer nears $75m Nigeria settlement.
And here's more from The Washington Post and their coverage of this issue.
h/t Kathy