This graphic speaks to the violence that comes out of the anti-choice movement, doesn't it? Especially when these extremists perceive they are losing the arguments. America solidly rejected their views with this last election.
1993-1998: 7 incidents under Pres. Clinton
1999-2008: 0 incidents under George Bush
2009- : 1 incident under President Obama
Check out the list of violence and murder carried out Via NAF:
Anti-abortion extremists perpetrated an unprecedented level of violence in 1993 with the first murder of an abortion provider. Dr. David Gunn was shot and killed by a zealot in Pensacola, FL. Since that time, anti-abortion extremists have murdered or attempted to murder numerous other individuals who were involved in reproductive health on.
It's just going to get much worse, folks -- especially with nuts like Beck and O'Reilly stoking the flames of the militia mentality and the anti-women's rights causes. We already had a man shoot three police officers in the head because he was afraid Obama wanted to take his guns.